Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Magic Pen (by Sannuti)

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lily.
She LOVED to write!
She writes 1-2 hours every day.

One day she entered a story contest.
The story HAD to be 100 pages long. She thought for a minute… “How could I write a story that is hundred pages long?”.

That night she had a dream. When she woke up the next morning she wanted her extraordinary dream to be her story.
She named her dream/story ‘Magic Pen’!
First, there was a girl named Kate. She loved writing just like Lily.

So, one day Kate went to meet a wizard, the Wizard of Storyland.

The wizard had everything in the world, but everything was magical!

Kate asked for the most powerful thing he had, that could write. He gave her the most wonderful shiny object and told her to be really careful.

It was a pen, but not just an ordinary pen. It was golden, had a red feather on the top and could write by itself! Awesome!!

When she got home, she thought she could finish her story in one night. But after 30 pages it ran out of power.

Then next morning she went back to the wizard and asked what was wrong with the pen. And the wizard said it was out of power and told her that it would be fully charged in 3 days.

She went back to the wizard after three days and asked him if she could write with it. The wizard said ‘yes’ and gave her the pen.

When she got home with the pen again, it started writing and it was close to page number 99.

But after a while, when it was exactly on page 99, Kate thought “The pen is writing the story. Why should I win the prize?”.
Then Kate ripped all the pages and threw them in the trash and wrote a story about a fairy that loses her powers in the dark.

So, that teaches you not to win for something that you didn’t make.

Anyway, Lily won the contest.

The End!

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